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How to increase the loading speed of your online pages

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:06 am
by Farjana4
Slow page load speed can cost you results, conversions and lost revenue. These are all essential assets when you're hard at work building a site that you expect to generate income from. To help you, we'll share everything you need to know about page speed, testing and optimization tools, and tips for creating the fastest pages on the web. What is page speed and why does it matter? Page speed is the time it takes for a website to fully load on any computer, tablet or smartphone device. There are many reasons why you should pay attention to page loading speed: Search engine ranking – Search engines like Google use page speed as a key factor in ranking pages in search results.

The faster the page load time, the better the user experience and the more likely your site is to get higher rankings. Time on Site – If your site loads slowly, users can get frustrated and leave quickly, missing out on important infor B2B Email List mation and offers. Conversions – If people leave the site it leads to fewer conversions and purchases. Page speed not only affects the customer experience, but also has a direct impact on your analytics. How fast should my site be? There is no specific size that indicates what the ideal speed should be, however, the rule of thumb is, the faster the better. Some research can help you find your ideal page speed. For example, consider the following: Average page speed on mobile is 2.594 seconds and average page speed on desktop is 1.286 seconds, according to Backlinko .


An average time between zero and four seconds is ideal for conversion rates, according to Porten . After five seconds, conversion rates drop by an average of 4.42% for each additional second. 70% of sales pages (landing pages) take more than 7 seconds to fully load on mobile, according to Google. Whereas if the time passes over 10 seconds, the percentage of people who leave a site after visiting it (bounce rate) increases by 123%. Average page speed will continue to decrease as publishers use new technologies and strategies to improve load times. Portent reports that from 2014-2019, the percentage of pages with an average time of 5+ seconds fell from 50% to 22%.