Is the decision of the Bishop of Takamatsu a blow to the Pope?

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Is the decision of the Bishop of Takamatsu a blow to the Pope?

Post by sufiya963 »

They are fully entrusted with the pastoral office, that is, the habitual and daily care of their sheep, and they should not be considered as vicars of the Roman Pontiffs, since they exercise their own power and are, in truth, the heads of the peoples they govern. . Thus, his power is not annulled by the supreme and universal power, but, on the contrary, it is affirmed, strengthened and defended, since the Holy Spirit unfailingly maintains the form of government that Christ the Lord established in his Church. .That said, it is worth remembering that in the Catholic Church there is a supreme power that can regulate and limit the authority of bishops with a view to the common good of the entire Church and the faithful. I quote again from the.

The Bishops govern, as vicars and legatees of Christ, the particular Churches that have been entrusted to them, with their advice, with their exhortations, with their examples, but also with their authority and sacred power, which they use only to edify their people Country Email List believe in truth and holiness, taking into account that he who is greater must become like the younger, and he who occupies the first place, like the servant (cf. Lk 22, 26-27). This power that they personally exercise in the name of Christ is their own, ordinary and immediate, although its exercise is ultimately regulated by the supreme authority of the Church and may be circumscribed within certain limits with a view to the usefulness of the Church or the faithful. .


That is to say, the bishops are not mere vicars of the Pope , of course, but they are true shepherds of their flocks and therefore have the authority and duty to act as they believe is best for their faithful. But the Pope is the head of the Episcopal College , the supreme authority of the entire Church - granted by Christ to Peter - and therefore responsible for making the decisions that he deems appropriate not only for a local Church or group of Churches, but for the entire Church. Therefore, when there is a conflict between the will of a bishop or group of bishops and the will of the Pope, that of the Supreme Pontiff must prevail . That is part of the soul of Catholicism and cannot change.

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