Learn about the types of encryption for applications

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Learn about the types of encryption for applications

Post by ratna66@ »

Knowing the types of encryption for mobile devices is essential to protect application and user data. This makes it possible to avoid most cyber attacks and leaks of confidential information. For you to improve the security of your application, RankMyAPP has brought a complete article on the importance of this subject, including what types of encryption are and how to use them to protect your mobile application. Check out! The importance of encryption for applications Applications have never been used as much as they are now, especially for financial transactions. As pointed out in our exclusive e-book Finance Apps: guide to creating and boosting yours, one in two adults use apps to purchase products or services. It was with this in mind that the Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD), created in 2018, establishes that it is the application's responsibility to protect user information that is used in the app.

Furthermore, application security is one of the factors taken into consideration by app stores to keep applications secure and offer a good Country Email List user experience on the platform. It is for these and other reasons that the types of encryption must be part of the application, in order to guarantee the total protection of data, whether financial or personal, by shielding the system against intrusions, leaving not only the user safer, but also the user himself. app. Types of encryption Illustrative art of a person working on data and spreadsheets, referring to types of encryption. Currently, there are several examples of encryption that can protect your application. Check out the most used in the mobile world. 1. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) AES is one of the most secure algorithms today, being one of the most used in the world, especially in security organizations. This is one of the types of encryption codes that uses only one key, shared by the system and the user, to encrypt and decrypt data.


For this, 128, 192 or 256-bit coding systems are used, making access difficult for hackers and malware that may try to invade the system. In Android system applications, it is recommended that 256-bit encryption keys be used in all navigation functions, such as messages, opening files, etc. 2. DES (Data Encryption Standard) This is one of the most basic types of letter encryption. In it, protection is carried out through 56-bit coding. Therefore, it ends up offering reduced security for the user. In some applications, it can be used to encrypt simpler information, working with other cipher suites to enhance the system's level of protection. 3. RSA (Rivest Shamir-Adleman) The RSA model is one of the most secure, being a pioneer in encrypting digital signatures. This is one of the types of text and data encryption that uses two activation keys, one public and one private. In practice, all messages or data are encrypted by the public key, but can only be decrypted by the private key.

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