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It is important to ensure that the list you purchase

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 7:00 am
by Asmaakter
That specific number allows me to measure the effectiveness of my strategies. Measurable (measurable). There must be a way to measure them. Later we will talk about KPIs. Attainable . Although it is okay to be ambitious, we must set goals that are possible to achieve with our resources. Relevant (relevant). We need relevant objectives for our brand. What good is it for me to reach a million fans in China if I have a restaurant in Barcelona? Time based (limited in time). Having deadlines helps us

plan and meet goals. communication plan Smart Goals When we talk about social media marketing, some objectives that we can consider Job Function Email Database are: Traffic. Bring more visitors to our website. Engagement. Improve the commitment of my community, and that is reflected in messages, comments, shared content, reactions. Growth. Grow our communities without sacrificing quantity for quality. conversions. Get my potential customers to take an action that I consider, such as subscribing to my blog or making a purchase. The most important thing is to define a few goals (2 or 3) and work for them.


If there are many we can lose focus. KPIs and your social media marketing We already saw that one of the important characteristics of your objectives is that they must be measurable. But how can we make this measurement? How do we know that they are being fulfilled? The answer is in the KPIs. KPIs are those metrics that we use to keep track of our objectives. For each objective we must choose one or several KPIs. They can be as simple as the number of fans of a page (to measure growth) or a little more elaborate such as share of voice, which measures the level of participation of a brand in a certain