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6 success factors for seo on mobile sites

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 11:23 am
by vvseoclaubbd360
During a search on your mobile device. It is very likely that you will come across what you want. But you prefer to make the purchase or request a quote when you are in front of your notebook. This behavior tends to decrease. Between the moment you find what you need on your cell phone or tablet and the moment you make the purchase on your notebook. There is a period of time in which anything can happen that prevents that final moment of consumption. It is possible that you will find other options. Lose the website address. Simply forget or no longer need what you were looking for. So that the website does not run the risk of these factors hindering the sale of its products. It is necessary to create an excellent experience so that potential consumers feel comfortable making any type of purchase or contact through any device. To achieve this. Investment is needed. Competent professionals and. Above all. Aware of the day-to-day difficulties and the possibilities that exist to overcome situations that may prevent converting at the right time.

Focus on the customer experience here are 6 tips to keep in mind when updating your mobile website: we know that a website's ability to engage users has a direct influence on rankings and conversions. Therefore. A website that focuses on the usability of its audience and the content that is sought after. Has more “capital” to increase its position on google. Consequently. This will attract more conversions. It is unnecessary cell phone number list to explain the importance of having an exclusive version of your website for smaller screens. All we need to do is use our smartphone's browser to understand that the easier it is to navigate a website. The more time and interest i will have there. Pay attention to the page loading speed: page loading speed can have a significant impact on mobile user experience and conversions. Based on research conducted by the nielsen norman group. Google wants mobile pages to load in one second or less to provide a positive experience and keep the user engaged. More than a second interrupts the user's flow of thought.


Have a responsive website according to google. The average page load speed on mobile devices today is more than 7 seconds. Incorporate a clean and functional design: many unnecessary elements will influence the quality of the user experience. Providing information in an intuitive. Easy-to-navigate format. With large buttons and calls-to-action. Will make all the difference when it comes to a website's ability to engage and convert “mobile” users. . Understand the user’s intention in the searches that lead to the website: an seo strategy should always be guided by the needs and desires of your target audience. Which may be different when comparing mobile users to desktop users. Smartphone users in particular are always looking for something local and have high purchase intent. According to google. 69% of cell phone users expect businesses to be within 5 km of their location and 55% of cell phone users want to buy instantly. Start taking voice research into consideration: since the launch of hummingbird . Investing in keywords is no longer enough.